Posted By Nadia Myerthall, ACLEA Secretary,
Monday, May 20, 2024
Elections will be conducted for the Executive Committee officer positions of President Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. There will also be elections for two (2) Director positions.
As an ACLEA member in good standing, you may nominate yourself for a Director position by notifying the Executive Director of your intent to run. To be eligible, your membership dues must be current at the time of nomination. Terms are two years and will begin July 23, 2024 following the Annual Business Meeting which will be held in Denver, CO.
Please send your notice of intent to run, a brief biography, and photo for inclusion on the ballot to the ACLEA office no later than midnight CDT, (UTC-5) Wednesday, June 12, 2024.
→ Submit Intent to Run
It is the sole responsibility of the member filing a self-nomination to assure its receipt.
executive committee elections
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Posted By Kathy Suchocki, ACLEA Secretary,
Thursday, May 18, 2023
2023/2024 Elections- Call for Self Nominations
Elections will be conducted for the Executive Committee officer positions of President Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. There will also be elections for three (3) Director positions.
As an ACLEA member in good standing, you may nominate yourself for a Director position by notifying the Executive Director of your intent to run. To be eligible, your membership dues must be current at the time of nomination. Terms are two years and will begin July 25, 2023 following the Annual Business Meeting which will be held in Minneapolis, MN.
Please send your notice of intent to run, a brief biography, and photo for inclusion on the ballot to the ACLEA office no later than midnight CDT, (UTC-5) Wednesday, June 7, 2023.
It is the sole responsibility of the member filing a self-nomination to assure its receipt.
Executive Committee
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Posted By Jill Castleman, ACLEA Secretary,
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
2021-22 Elections- Call for Self Nominations
Elections will be conducted for the Executive Committee officer positions of President Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. There will also be elections for three (3) Director positions.
As an ACLEA member in good standing, you may nominate yourself for a Director position by notifying the Secretary of your intent to run. To be eligible, your membership dues must be current at the time of nomination. Terms are two
years and will begin July 28, 2021 following the Annual business meeting which will be held virtually.
Please send your notice of intent to run, a brief biography, and photo for inclusion on the ballot to the ACLEA office no later than midnight CDT, (UTC-5) Saturday, June 12, 2021.
It is the sole responsibility of the member filing a self-nomination to assure its receipt.
Executive Committee
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Posted By Gina Roers-Liemandt, ACLEA Secretary ,
Monday, May 18, 2020
Elections will be conducted for the Executive Committee officer positions of President Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. There will also be elections for two (2) Director positions.
If you're an ACLEA member in good standing, you may nominate yourself for a Director position by notifying the Secretary of your intent to run. To be eligible, your membership dues must be current at the time of nomination. Terms are two years
and will begin July 28, 2020 following the Annual business meeting which will be held virtually.
Pursuant to the Bylaws, Article VII, Section 1(b), By Self-Nomination. A member may file a self-nomination with the Secretary (or his or her designee) for any Director position. The period for receipt by the Secretary (or his or her designee) of such self-nominations shall begin ninety days before the starting date of the Annual Meeting and shall close forty-five days before the starting date of the Annual Meeting. Thereafter no further self-nominations shall be permitted. The notice of self-nomination must be in writing (with facsimile and electronic mail transmission being acceptable as “in writing”). It is the sole responsibility of the member filing a self-nomination to assure its receipt.
Please send your notice of intent to run, a brief biography, and photo for inclusion on the ballot to the ACLEA office no later than midnight CDT, (UTC-5) Friday, June 12, 2020.
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